Professionals working with victims of criminal offenses
The Act to assist persons who are victims of criminal offences and to facilitate their recovery entered into force on October 13, 2021. It encompasses compensation and assistance legislation for victims of crime and provides measures that focus on the real needs of victims, including:
- greater recognition of victims;
- more effective and fair financial assistance;
- abolishing the list of criminal offences;
- inclusion of offences against the person committed abroad;
- removal of statutory limitations on compensation claims for offences related to sexual abuse, childhood abuse and domestic violence;
- greater psychotherapeutic and psychosocial support;
- new obligations for government departments and bodies.
The Act recenters the judicial process around victims, facilitates their recovery and helps them move on with their lives.
To learn more about the legislative changes brought about by the Act, visit the Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels (IVAC) website.
Supplementary videos
Discover training and information tools for government department and bodies working with victims (In French).
- Les critères de qualification
- L'aide immédiate
- La somme forfaitaire en cas de séquelles
- La somme forfaitaire en cas de décès
- Les déclarations de services et mécanismes de plaintes
- L’aide financière palliant une perte de revenus et l’aide financière compensant certaines incapacités (AFPPR)
- La réhabilitation psychothérapique et psychosociale
- La réinsertion professionnelle
- La réinsertion sociale
- L'assistance médicale et la réadaptation physique
- Le remboursement des dépenses diverses
- Les infractions criminelles commises hors-Québec
- Les recours
- Les dispositions transitoires
Assistance for government departments and bodies
To help the government departments and bodies concerned prepare their service statements and complaint processing procedures, the Ministère de la Justice has created the Bureau de soutien aux services aux personnes victimes d’infractions criminelles (“BSSV”), an office dedicated to assisting victims of criminal offences.
This office is responsible for receiving all service statements from government departments and bodies covered by the Act, as well as information relating to the complaints filed with these departments and bodies by victims. This information will be included in the Minister’s report to be tabled in the National Assembly for each fiscal year. The BSSV also informs and guides victims throughout the complaint process, in the event of dissatisfaction, with these government departments or bodies.
Support tools
Note: these documents are in French.
- Est-ce que votre ministère ou organisme est visé par la LAPVIC?
- Guide d’accompagnement des ministères et organismes visés par la LAPVIC
- Aide-mémoire
- Modèle de déclaration de services aux personnes victimes
- Fichier de collecte des statistiques annuelles sur les plaintes (fichier Excel)
- Comment saisir les données au fichier
For any questions relating to the legislative changes brought about by the Act, contact: [email protected].
For specific questions on the service statements and complaint processing procedures, contact: [email protected].
- Financial Aid for Crime Victims - Guide
- Déclaration de services aux personnes victimes d'infractions criminelles (In French)
- Rapport annuel d’activités de la Loi visant à aider les personnes victimes d’infractions criminelles et à favoriser leur rétablissement 2022-2023 (In French)
- Rapport annuel d’activités de la Loi visant à aider les personnes victimes d’infractions criminelles et à favoriser leur rétablissement 2021-2022 (In French)