Documents - Free information session on parenting after separation
Parenting after separation (full presentation)
Free information session on parenting after separation
The contents of this document were prepared in March 2009 at the request of the Ministère de la Justice du Québec by the members of a working committee under the responsibility of the Comité des organismes accréditeurs en médiation familiale (COAMF). The working committee was made up of: Marie-Claude Armstrong, lawyer, Danielle Beausoleil, notary, Pierrette Brisson, social worker, Suzanne Clairmont, lawyer, Caroline Paquet, psychologist, Lorraine Filion, social worker, Jean-Claude Plourde, social worker, Harry Timmermans, psychologist, Dominic D’Abate, social worker, and Patrice Gravel, lawyer.
Services for separated parents – Leaflet
SARPA, the Service administratif de rajustement des pensions alimentaires pour enfants and HAS, the Homologation Assistance Service, allow you to modify elements of your judgment such as custody, access rights or support payments at a lower cost.
For more information on this subject:
The Québec model for the determination of child support payments
This brochure, published by the Ministère de la Justice, will help guide you through the process of obtaining the determination or review of a child support payment.
Tables to determine the basic parental contribution
Information document: « Family mediation - Negotiating a fair agreement »
Information on family mediation can be found on Qué