Secured sections for the professionnals
If you are already logged in, you can access the forms by following the link corresponding to your credentials:
> Presiding justices of the peace
> Judges, administrative judges of the peace and other users
> Family mediators
> Médiateurs en protection de la jeunesse
> Secrétariat à la sélection des candidats à la fonction de juge
Note: You may need to log out and switch users to navigate from one secured area to another.
Peace officers and presiding justices of the peace
To obtain a user name and a password to access this section, peace officers and presiding justices of the peace should contact the Ministère.
Peace officers, judges, administrative judges of the peace and other users
A user name and password is necessary to access this section. Peace officers, judges, administrative judges of the peace and other users who wish to obtain a user name and password should contact the Ministère.
Family mediators
To obtain a user name and a password to access this section, family mediators should contact our Ministère.
Youth protection mediators
To obtain a user name and a password to access this section, family mediators should contact our Ministère.