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Bureau des infractions et amendes – Service of statements of offence by public notice

Justice and civil status
Offences and fines
Service of statements of offence by public notice

Statements of offence from the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions that could not be served on defendants by mail or bailiff are served by public notice on the Ministère de la Justice website.

Such statements of offence are considered served 30 days after publication.

The Bureau des infractions et amendes encourages you to check whether your name, or your business’s or organization’s name, appears in the statements of offence currently posted. If so, you have until 30 days after the publication period ends to respond. This date can be found in the title of the public notice. For example:

  • Service by public notice from [Start date] to [End date].

You can respond in two ways:

  • by entering a guilty plea and paying the amount indicated on the statement of offence; or
  • by entering a plea of not guilty. Your case will be heard by a judge.

If you do not respond to a statement of offence that names you in the 30 days after the end of the publication notice period (listed in the title), a judgment by default will be rendered. If you are found guilty, additional fees will be added to the amount of the fine.

You may request a copy of the statement(s) of offence that name(s) you from the Bureau des infractions et amendes. Payments and pleas of guilty or not guilty can also be submitted to the Bureau. The Bureau’s address is:

Bureau des infractions et amendes
Ministère de la Justice
1200, route de l’Église 6th floor
Québec, QC G1V 4X1
Québec City and surrounding area: 418 643-5140, option 1
Toll-free:  1 866 536-5140, option 1
Fax: 418 644-8486
Email: [email protected]

Reports of service by public notice

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